Take a look at the range of products / services that we have on offer for your event
We have different types of Pyros to suite your needs. These include Dancing Pyros, Swinging Pyros, Rotating Pyros ...
ExploreLance Work
We also build custom-made lance-work for your special event. This includes corporate logos, trademarks, slogans, and theme pieces.
ExploreSmoke, Fog & Haze
One of the great special effects classics, smoke can create a magical and impressive effect instantly.
ExploreCO2 Jets
CO2 Jets can be used to produce fast appearing fingers of fog that rapidly dissipate. They can be fired in short bursts, or as continuous plumes.
ExploreBubbles / UV Bubbles
Jays Pyrotechnics can fill the air with bubbles! We can even supply bubbles that glow blue or gold under black light (UV), and we can light huge areas with black light.
ExploreConfetti / Streamers
Our Confetti are made in a variety of colors and shapes, and are easy to clean up. All of our tissue products are flame retardant and made of biodegradable material.
We design the show to be a powerful combination of the very best from the music and our aerial display shells creating an atmosphere exploding with emotion and excitement.
The Flogos is always quite impressive and popular with family audiences. It is ideal for
product launches and corporate events. But we can also provide simple Flogos such as
hearts, stars, anchors,
Available in Bright Silver or Twinkling Gold, Waterfall Gerbs are the only products products designed to be burned upside down.